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Strawberry Quartz Tumbled Stone
Product Descrpition:
This is a great stone to have as a companion, it is said it will lighten up thought processes and create a loving environment that encourages living joyfully in the moment, seeing the humor in all situations.

Strawberry Quartz strengthens and balances connections between the physical body and the aura, it also brings to the surface the hidden causes of current problematic situations.

It’s said it can lessen the restrictions you place upon yourself and make it easier to reprogram outdated beliefs. Meditating with Strawberry Quartz can stabilize an unbalanced energy field, and bring guidance to the Higher Heart.

It can also help one who is learning about past lives and astral travel, gathering information on
these endeavors. It can bring an expansive consciousness that imbues it’s carrier with wisdom. Although very powerful, the vibration of Strawberry Quartz is quite gentle.

  • Size:approx. 2 cm - 3 cm
Price: $50 HKD
VIP Member Price: $45 HKD
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Product Code: 10265

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