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The Fantod Pack

作者: Edward Gorey
Edward Gorey's trademark sense of impending doom is nowhere more darkly humorous than in this, his version of a tarot card deck. Each of the 20 cards forecasts a list of outcomes for the user ranging from the merely unpleasant (loss of hair, breakage, thwarted ambitions) to the downright horrible (catarrh, spasms, shriveling). The 32-page booklet provides interpretation of the cards courtesy of one Madame Groeda Weyrd, who Gorey tells us 'is of mixed Finnish and Egyptian extraction, has devoted her life to divination, and is the author of, among a shelf of other works, Floating Tambourines, a collection of esoteric verse, and The Future Speaks Through Entrails.' Who but Gorey to make mirth from a kaleidoscope of catastrophe?

Twenty (2 x 4 in.) cards and a 32-page interpretive booklet in a decorative box. Edward Goreys version of a tarot card deck.

  • Size:20 cards, 2" x 4"
價格: $240 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $216 HKD
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貨品編號: 06511
出版商/廠商: Edward Gorey

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