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Greek Mythology: The Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes Handbook : From Aphrodite to Zeus, a Profile of Who's Who in Greek Mythology
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Finally sort out who’s who in Greek mythology—from gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everyone in between!

Greek mythology continues to appear in popular movies and books today but have you ever wondered about where these characters started out? Discover the origins of your favorite characters from Greek mythology with this collection of profiles to tell you who’s who in classical lore!

In Greek Mythology, you will discover the backstories of the heroes, villains, gods, and goddesses that enjoy popularity in today’s shows and films. With comprehensive entries that outline each character’s name, roles, related symbols, and foundational myths, you can get to know the roots of these personas and better understand the stories they inspire today. With this character-focused, handy reference, you will never be confused about Ancient Greece!

  • Size:240 pages
價格: $260 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $234 HKD
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貨品編號: 10306

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