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Lenormand Deck 雷諾曼牌

The Little Soul's Party Tarot and Lenormand

作者: Penelope Cline, Nell Grey

[本產品有 1 位會員收藏]

本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 2-4 星期到貨。

Imagine a fancy dress party inspired by the characters of the tarot majors, during which the little Fool spots a blue butterfly and steps right out of the frame.

Scenes of tarot and Lenormand follow, in which the life of this deeply symbolic little creature is reflected by the revellers in a never ending cycle.

The Little Soul's Party is a combination tarot majors and Lenormand deck in which some of the cards with identical titles - Sun, Moon, Star and Tower - serve both sets. The High Priestess has become The Sibyl, The Hierophant is now The Alchemist, The Hermit is Time, Justice is Mother Nature, The Hanged Man is The Dreamer, Death is Transformation and Judgement is The Angel.

The two systems may be used separately or together, the only limit being to the method used being the reader's imagination...

This deck come in white box, no LWB included.

  • Size:55 cards, 2.5" x 3.5"
價格: $380 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $342 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 02659
出版商/廠商: Fig Tree Press
產品出版地: 英國

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