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The Norse Mythology Bible: [5 IN 1] Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes of the Northern Lands | Discover Traditions, Runes, Magical Creatures and All the Norse Paganism Beliefs

作者: Thomas Hedlund
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-6 星期到貨。

Venture into the thrilling tales of Norse Mythology. Filled with centuries-old legends of battle, love, and conquest, The Norse Mythology Bible will transport you into the wild world of Viking culture and history.

You know their names, their deeds. Odin, the All-Father. Mischievous Loki and mighty Thor. But there is so much more. Norse mythology is an incredible world of myths and legends that extend far beyond the best-known deities. Full of marvel and mystery, these are tales once sung across the northern world.

Harness your ale horn, embark on the nimble Drakkar, and sail beyond the borders of Asgard - all the way to Valhalla!

Discover the breathtaking, ancient pantheon of Norse mythology, Norse pagan rituals, Viking heroes, and Elder Futhark Runes. Returned to popularity through pop culture and cinema, you'll soon understand why these captivating stories still offer excitement, inspiration, and adventure to modern readers. Here is a sample of what you will discover:

✅ THE DAWN OF TIME: Explore a chapter focused on Norse cosmogony, from the Ginnungagap, "the yawn of nothing," to the birth of the first Titans and the advent of ancestral deities.
✅ GET THE FULL STORY - Go beyond what is shown in the media and discover the complete stories and intricate details of Viking and Scandinavian legends, culture, and history. Covering everything from belief to war and love, this book contains everything you need to dive deep into Norse mythology.
✅ GODS AND GODDESSES - From Odin to Freya, this book divulges all their secrets, personalities, and roles in Norse mythology. Told in a story form narrative, this book will uncover the stories, powers, and relationships of the major Norse gods and goddesses.
✅ BATTLES, WEAPONS, AND TACTICS - Beyond battle stories, this book also details magic weapons, battle strategies, and conquest tactics. You will also understand the importance of Viking funeral traditions and their value for sacrifice and strength.
✅ A JOURNEY IN VIKING CULTURE - Put on the guise of an ancient Viking and experience firsthand a typical day in pre-Christian Scandinavia. Learn about the hierarchical scale, quaint customs, and mysterious beliefs of the old Northern Peoples.
✅ THE ELDER FUTHARK RUNES - An entire volume dedicated to discovering the mystery behind the rich runic tradition of the northern peoples. Discover the deeper meaning of each of the 24 runes and access a new spiritual consciousness.
✅ WISDOM OF ANCIENT LEGEND - Far more than a simple collection of stories, this book will open your mind to the wisdom and inspiration of Viking history. Understand how these legends impact the modern world, even after hundreds of years!

Whether purchased for yourself or a loved one interested in Norse and Viking history, this book is the perfect gift to discover this ancient culture.

  • Size:220 pages
價格: $350 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $315 HKD
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貨品編號: 10800
出版商/廠商: Independently published

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