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Practical Qabalah Magick : Working the Magick of the Practical Qabalah and the Tree of Life in the Western Mystery Tradition.
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"The Qabalah gives understanding and wisdom through knowledge, strength and mercy through beauty, and a foundation of victory and splendour, crowning the seeker within their own kingdom and raising them to the heights of their own genius." The Qabalah is a uniquely lucid and practical path of magical practice and spiritual philosophy. The essence of this ancient wisdom is a spectrum of simple and effective techniques for transforming yourself and your life. Qabalistic practices focus around the glyph called the Tree of Life which weaves together the magick and symbolism of the four elements, the seven classical planets, and the zodiac into a single perfect whole. In Practical Qabalah Magick, the most effective Qabalistic practices created by the great Qabalists of the past are united in one place with techniques developed by the authors drawing on their own research, and inspired by the rich heritage of the Western Mystery Tradition. The wealth of techniques within this unique and ground-breaking work include how to use your voice to project your intent through the Vibratory Formula and so effectively draw on the power of the Divine Names and other words of power, Unification of the Divine Names to rise up the Tree of Life, the power of effective prayer and how to develop the power of prophecy (Ruach HaQadosh), the temples of the Sephiroth, working with the archangels and angels (including the zodiacal archangels), the powers of the 22 Paths and how to use them, how to draw on the 231 Gates; the Lightning Flash exercise, a new Qabalistic method for consecrating talismans and the Kerubic Prayer Formula, being made publicly available for the first time. Using the practices contained within this book to explore the beautiful and insightful philosophies of the Qabalah, you may journey through all of the Four Worlds. Practical Qabalah Magick provides the tools to grow with the magick of the Tree of Life and enhance your spiritual, mental, emotional and material lives

  • Size:206 pages
Price: $320 HKD
VIP Member Price: $288 HKD
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Product Code: 06496

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