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The Sacred Web Tarot

作者: Jannie Bui Brown, James W. Brown IV
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

For fans of The Wild Unknown, a beautifully illustrated, gender-neutral tarot deck and guidebook from a mother-son duo that reminds us we are all connected and provides a highly inclusive experience of self-reflection, self-love, and self-compassion.

The Sacred Web Tarot envisions a world without separation, where everyone and everything is a silken thread in the great weaving of the Cosmos. It is a transformational and timely approach that moves beyond traditional, gendered imagery, card names, and interpretations, focusing on personal and communal growth. Using The Sacred Web, you will discover that every encounter, every energy you meet is meant to teach and transform you.

Born from pain—after James Brown IV sustained a life-threatening brain injury—this stunning digitally illustrated tarot deck is a work of love and affirmation that invites you to sit with your life experiences, be present to whatever arises, and experience challenges as opportunities for self-discovery, liberation, and healing.

This beautifully designed boxset features an illustrated guidebook using only gender-neutral pronouns, and a deck of 78 digitally designed cards with a 79th bonus card: “The Sacred Cosmic Self.” Each card is a portal for connection, an invitation to scrub away the illusion that we are separate from others. To deepen your spiritual experience, the guidebook associates each card in the deck with the energy of gemstones and crystals, numerology and astrology guidance, yoga poses, the sacred sound of mantra, and the energy of mudras.

The Sacred Web Tarot invites you to embark on a gentle and uplifting journey of self-reflection through which you can cultivate self-love and in return, love for all things and all beings.

  • Size:79 cards
價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 10931
出版商/廠商: HarperOne

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