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Aurameter - Copper Plated
Product Descrpition:
This item is required advance payment to order and estimate arrived in 3-6 weeks.

The Aurameter is made by brass with copper plated. unique design counter-balances the action between two coil springs, flexible wand, and an adjustable pointer. The instrument detects emanations from persons, creatures, objects, substances or "things"

Copper Plating Disclaimer:
Alloyed and plated Copper is a highly attractive metal when used in the fabrication of Dowsing instruments. However, the Copper finish is easily stained or corroded by handling and weathering - unless its original, fine luster is first preserved with a transparent lacquer. At times, slight blemishes may show on the surface, but this is normal. When needed, one can easily brighten the tarnished area with a gentle copper cleaner.

Price: $2200 HKD
VIP Member Price: $1980 HKD
[How to become a VIP]

Product Code: 04563

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