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The Greater Words of Power : The Secret Calls of Archangel Magick
When your need is real, speak The Greater Words of Power, and you will bring magick to life. The ritual process is deceptively simple, and yet the rewards can be great.

This magick uses secret combinations of sacred words that connect you to divine power, through the magick of angels and archangels.

The Greater Words of Power uses the same method that was presented in Damon Brand's acclaimed Words of Power, but this is a standalone book, revealing thirty-one completely new powers.

With Rituals of The Mind you can obtain mental focus, overcome procrastination, pass exams, increase energy, sleep peacefully, overcome habits and increase the willpower to eat well.

Rituals That Affect Others give you the power to stop arguments quickly, ensure fair legal decisions, subdue unwanted attention, make people warmer to you, and encourage those who are stuck in their ways to change.

The Rituals of Emotion enable you to encourage new friendship, attract a romantic partner, end a relationship easily, banish fear and worry, improve your mood and the mood of those around you, or recover lost love.

The Rituals of Creativity will enhance all creative thought, make your creative work well-liked, as well as improving artistic skills and musical ability.

The Rituals of Transformation help you recover your passion, overcome lost love, increase your psychic connection to another, overcome bitterness, jealousy and hatred, and receive angelic guidance. One of the most powerful rituals is The Road Opener, to help you discover new pathways and new directions in life.

You don't need to fast, pray, cleanse, cast a circle, use a wand or burn incense. This magick is directed by your heart, so you need nothing other than this book and your own desire for change.

  • Size:110 pages
價格: $220 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $198 HKD
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貨品編號: 09673

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