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Traditional Witches' Formulary and Potion-Making Guide: Recipes for Magical Oils, Powders and Other Potions
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Increase the power of your spells and rituals with these powerful potions from a variety of Western Traditions, including hard-to-find classic formulas with references to their origins provided wherever possible. This book is more than just a collection of over 300 formulas, but a guide to using beneficial astrological timing, incantations and other methods to super-charge your potions. It is an excellent reference for augmenting potions, making substitutions for ingredients or creating your own formulas for a wide variety of purposes. All of the formulas given here employ natural ingredients with the exception of old traditional potions from past centuries and those that call for food dyes as colorants. The author has, also, tried to choose ingredients or suggest substitutions in such cases that are safer and may be readily obtained. Why make your own potions when you can buy them off the shelf ready-made? When you purchase a ready-made potion, you have no way of knowing what's in it or under what conditions it was. On the other hand, you have a distinct advantage when you make your own formulas because you can ensure that they are made properly and you can customize them to your or your client's specific needs. Furthermore, many of the powerful formulas in this book cannot be found anywhere else. A long list of herbs and their attributes is provided so you can ensure that your potion has the most suitable ingredients for your particular purpose.

  • Size:234 pages
價格: $300 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $270 HKD
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貨品編號: 07929

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