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The Sisterhood of the Rose
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Nobility of Blood is no longer powerful. Now is the time for Nobility of Spirit.

In the time of the Third Crusade, when Richard the Lionheart led the English army to the Holy Land, most women were without voice or rights. Forbidden by the Pope to travel with the Crusaders, twenty determined women set out on a pilgrimage to find their men. From this dangerous and sacred journey, greater awareness of the feminine principle grew and the Sisterhood of the Rose began to flower. Their exciting journey takes them from England, through France to the ancient Island of Gozo near Malta where the stone temples become their home for a time; to Rhodes, the Island of Roses; and to Acre where they find refuge in a Christian abbey, and befriend the wife of one of Saladin's general who gives them sanctuary. They are destined to meet and learn from powerful women who impart ancient wisdom and knowledge that will change their lives and that of many others, for ever.

Shipwreck and friendship seal their destiny on The Island of Roses.

  • Size:428 pages
價格: $350 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $315 HKD
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貨品編號: 00888

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