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El De Tarot Cuentos De Hadas (The Fairy Tale Tarot)

作者: Lisa Hunt


The linking of tarot with classic fairy tales from around the world is a project that's been done to death... but somehow, the idea still retains its charm. If you don't already have a fairy tale-themed tarot -- or if you do, and like that sort of deck so much that you'd consider investing in another -- this one should do nicely. Charming artwork compliments the nicely-matched stories. What can we say? It's always fun to match up archetypes from different arenas, and see what might emerge...

  • Size:78 cards
價格: $ 99999
VIP 會員價格: $ 99999
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 02900
出版商/廠商: Llewellyn Publications
產品出版地: 美國

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