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The Lost Tarot of Nostradamus

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In 1994 a researcher working in the Italian National Library in Rome discovered a manuscript containing 80 mysterious paintings, believed to have been devised by the mysterious prophet Michael de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus. The manuscript, never published in his lifetime, was handed down to his son who later presented it to Pope Urban VIII. After that it remained forgotten and neglected.
A brief glance at these extraordinary images shows how heavily they draw on the symbolism of Tarot. It is the belief of Tarot experts, Matthews and Kinghan, that Nostradamus was designing his own set of cards, drawing upon the visionary insights gleaned from his prophetic writings and visions. Now this Tarot has been brought to fruition by two modern experts and its secrets revealed for the first time.
Visionary artist Wil Kinghan and "New York Times" best-selling author and longtime student of Tarot, John Matthews have devised a deck which incorporates Nostradamus' own images, fully updated to make what will surely be judged one of the most important decks of this age.

價格: $ 99999
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貨品編號: 04552

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