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Where Do Demons Live?Everything You Want to Know About Magic
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Are magical orders really as old as they claim to be? What's the skinny on chaos magic? Do 'real' Satanists actually exist? In this fun romp through some of magic's commonly asked questions, Frater U.:D.: plays Dear Deirdre for the occult crowd. The renowned European author and esoteric expert introduces us to chatty Aunt Clara, a straight-talking old sorceress eager to share her wisdom on all subjects magical. In between cigarette breaks and coffee dates, the elderly Aunt Clara pens quick responses to queries sent in from practising magicians. This smorgasbord of bite-sized essays touches on topics such as joining a magical order, the pros and cons of working with a mentor, and even the magical validity of the Harry Potter novels. Easy to page through, good-humored, and never dogmatic, "Where Do Demons Live?" is the perfect quick reference for beginner practitioners.

  • Size:264 pages
價格: $260 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $234 HKD
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貨品編號: 04579

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