



主頁 >> Jewelry >> Lost Treasures of Albion  

Queen Boudicca's Torc

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Queen Boudicca’s Torc. In AD 60, widowed Boudicca fought fiercely against the Roman invaders who sought to enslave her tribe, the Iceni. She is rightly famed as a warrior- queen. Tall, with long blonde hair and beauty, her large gold necklace flashed on the battlefield, proclaiming her royal status. Queen Boudicca’s devotion to her people and fierce protection of those she loved pays tribute to the triumph of the spirit.

Albion, the ancient name for the British Isles, has come to mean all that is legendary in Britain’s history and landscape. The Lost Treasures of Albion charms are ancient Britain’s legacy, a reminder that past glory promises future greatness.

護身符加強及淨化套裝 - II

價格: $380 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $342 HKD
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貨品編號: 05715

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