



主頁 >> 靈擺 >> 水晶靈擺  

Rudraksha: Meaning "eye of Shiva" or "tears of Shiva" in Sanskrit, have been worn by Sages and Yogis since Vedic times for their profound spiritual significance and powerful healing properties. They are seeds from the Rudraksha tree and according to ancient Vedic texts, these beads are endowed with cosmic powers to elevate the soul and assist on the path of ascension. Believed to contain the secrets of the entire evolution of the cosmos within it. According to the ancient Vedas, Shiva cried tears of compassion for humanity and his tears became Rudraksha Seeds to assist humanity in our healing.

Using Rudraksha seeds (meditating, dowsing, holding against the skin) is believed to increase the ability to concentrate, give clarity and peace of mind, improve memory and relieve stress and anxiety. The sacred Rudraksha seeds are also believed to bestow divine protection and increase abundance and prosperity.

This is a natural product and all pendulums are not uniform. Rudraksha may vary in shape and colour and may have some imperfections.

Comes with a velveteen pouch.

價格: $400 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $360 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 06586

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$0 HKD

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