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Tarot Experience

TAROT EXPERIENCE is the second volume in the Lo Scarabeo 'Tarot Encyclopaedia' project. While the first volume, Tarot Fundamentals, was more about the general principles and basic knowledge of the Tarot, the main focus of TAROT EXPERIENCE can be summarised as: 'Tarot and You.' The book is full of practical suggestions, spread guides and reading advice from some of the most prominent Tarot professionals around. Building on the base established by Tarot Fundamentals, TAROT EXPERIENCE will guide readers towards more advanced contents. Lavishly illustrated in full colour, this guide to the Tarot is set to join Tarot Fundamentals as the reference work on this divination system.

  • Size:640 pages, hardcover
價格: $ 99999
VIP 會員價格: $ 99999
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 06758
出版商/廠商: Lo Scarabeo
產品出版地: 意大利

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