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Dalí. Tarot

作者: Johannes Fiebig
Legend has it that when preparing props for the James Bond film Live and Let Die, producer Albert Broccoli commissioned Surrealist maestro Salvador Dalí to create a custom deck of tarot cards. Inspired by his wife Gala, who nurtured his interest in mysticism, Dalí eagerly got to work, and continued the project of his own accord when the contractual deal fell through.

The work was published in a limited art edition in 1984 that has since long sold out, making Dalí the first renowned painter to create a completely new set of cards. Drawing on Western masterpieces from antiquity to modernity (including some of his own), Dalí seamlessly combined his knowledge of the arcane with his unmistakable wit. The result is a surreal kaleidoscope of European art history.

TASCHEN resurrects all 78 cards in a fresh celebration of Dalí’s inimitable custom set, complete with a booklet by renowned German tarot author Johannes Fiebig offering:

an introduction to Dalí’s life and the project’s making-of

a comprehensive explanation of each card’s composition, its meaning, and practical advice

step-by-step instructions on how to perform readings

a jargon-free approach simplifying tarot for the newcomer

  • Size:78 cards, 18.8 x 33 cm
價格: $680 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $612 HKD
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貨品編號: 10288
出版商/廠商: Taschen Books

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