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Tarot of Tales

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Discover a new approach to tarot with this folk-tale inspired deluxe boxed book-and-card set from tarot expert Melinda Lee Holm and lavishly illustrated by Rohan Daniel Eason.

Folk tales have brought us invaluable lessons on life for thousands of years. With The Tarot of Tales, veteran tarot reader and author Melinda Lee Holm and illustrator Rohan Daniel Eason invite you into their magickal, inclusive world of art and prose where your readings become personalized fairy tales told by the cards in narrative form. The meaning of each card is told in five different ways—one for each of five possible positions given in the accompanying full-color guidebook. Lay out the cards, find the corresponding passage for each card and position, and link them together to read the tale told to you by the Tarot. Presented in their own compact box for easy storage, the 78 cards provide richly detailed illustrated scenes that allow you to step inside your own personal storybook, one that changes to bring you the wisdom you need when you need it. Tarot is a language: let it tell you your story.

價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
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貨品編號: 10482

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地址: 香港銅鑼灣渣甸街54-58號富盛商業大廈10樓B室(地鐵站F1出口) (地圖)
營業時間: 14:00 - 20:00 (逢星期二、三休息)
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