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Twin Flames: Understanding Your Twin Flame Journey (Twin Flame Series)

作者: A. Melaine Hale
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Tools to Help You Navigate Your Twin Flame Journey!

Have you been seeing information about twin flames popping up when you don’t expect it? Have you been seeing 11:11 too often for it to be a coincidence? Are you experiencing a spiritual awakening? Are you trying to sort out what being a twin flame even means, while wading through gaggles of contradictory information?If so, this book is for you. Twin Flames: Understanding Your Twin Flame Journey is a quick read, no-nonsense reference for anyone who is struggling to understand twin flames. If you’re uncertain if you’re on the twin flame path but you’d like to find out, this book is for you. With your twin flame journey in mind, Twin Flames has been organized with answers to commonly asked questions in the beginning of the book, and more in-depth twin flame reinforcement at the end. Twin Flames includes tips for navigating your twin flame journey, explanations of common terms like “doing the work” and “soul mates,” and anecdotal stories and advice.A. Melaine Hale is a practicing witch, psychic, energetic healer and twin flame journeyer. She has spent years grappling with the intensity of her twin flame journey, weeding out the lies from the truth. And after much reflection she promised herself that when she was able, she would pass her knowledge on to anyone who was feeling a little lost.

  • Size:49 pages
價格: $220 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $198 HKD
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貨品編號: 10704
出版商/廠商: Self-Publish

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