



主頁 >> 神秘學書籍 >> 靈擺、占卜及星相  

In Search of Jyotish Series 印度占星術 Jyotish Astrology 吠陀占星術 Vedic Astrology 古印度占星術 Ancient Hindu Astrology

The Strengths and Bhava Analysis: A Journey into the World of Vedic Astrology

作者: Sarajit Poddar
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This volume of the book covers two important aspects of Jyotiṣa, strengths and Bhāva Analysis. The strength section covers several forms of strength, including the Ṣaḍbala, i.e., the six sources of strength, the Bhāvabala, the Rāśibala. This includes few other forms of strengths such as the Viṁśopaka Bala, Vaiśeṣikāñśa, Iṣṭa-Kaṣṭa Phala and the Graha Raśmi. This should provide one with a comprehensive understanding of the matters concerning strength.

The understanding of strength is highly significant because strength is ubiquitous. One cannot examine a Kuṇḍalī without considering the strength. We naturally use strength in the form of Graha in Sva, Ucca, Mūlatrikoṇa, Nīca or Śatru Rāśi. We use the strength granted by dṛṣṭi of Śubhagrahas or the Grahas in Kendras etc. The strength section provides a systematic method of dealing with various forms of strength. I have tried to explain each of them with copious examples, which I believe the seeker should find helpful.

The following section provides a comprehensive method of judging a Bhāva. Everything that we experience in life is grouped into 12 different Bhāvas. If we take each Bhāva individually and analyse them sequentially one after the other, we can be assured that all aspects of the Kuṇḍalīs are covered. Undoubtedly, the Bhāva assessment is a significant area of Jyotiṣa. However, it is not easy. The results of a Bhāva is affected by several factors, and one must adopt a systematic approach to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Bhāva. In this regard, Ācārya Mantreśvara provides a systematic approach to analyse a Bhāva. They are a set of 31 rules which are covered exhaustively.

  • Size:402 pages
價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
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貨品編號: 10887
出版商/廠商: Self-Publish

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