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In Search of Jyotish Series 印度占星術 Jyotish Astrology 吠陀占星術 Vedic Astrology 古印度占星術 Ancient Hindu Astrology

The Nakshatras: A Journey into the World of Vedic Astrology

作者: Sarajit Poddar
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The Nakṣatras is an important cornerstone of Jyotiṣaśastra. Along with the Rāśis, Bhāvas, and Grahas, the Nakṣatras form a fundamental building block. The importance of Nakṣatras cannot be understated as it is governed by Candra, who signify our mental, psychological and emotional impulses. The Nakṣatras govern our subtle yet powerful mental impulses that eventually manifest as gross events.

The knowledge of the Nakṣatras is vast like an ocean, and regardless of how much one deliberates on this, it is not enough. My humble attempt is to present this in a concise yet structured manner so that the seekers are not lost in the vast world. The Nakṣatras form an important basis for delineating one’s psychological impulses. Besides, they find great use in delineating the Janma and Muhūrta Kuṇḍalī.

Cakras such as Śatapada, Hoḍā, Sarvatobhadra, Graha Puruṣa Cakras, Sūrya and Candra Kālānala Cakra etc. are based on Nakṣatra. This book provides the foundation on which the edifice of the several Cakras will be built in a later book (book#19). It is my sincere wish that the seekers find this work useful.

  • Size:498 pages
價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
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貨品編號: 10893
出版商/廠商: Self-Publish

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