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In Search of Jyotish Series 印度占星術 Jyotish Astrology 吠陀占星術 Vedic Astrology 古印度占星術 Ancient Hindu Astrology

The Ashtakavarga: A Journey into the World of Vedic Astrology

作者: Sarajit Poddar
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

This volume comprehensively covers the Aṣṭakavarga system of prediction. The key sections are construction, the fundamentals, Rekhās and Karaṇas, Bhinnāṣṭakavarga, Samudāyāṣṭakavarga, Daśā application, Aṣṭakavarga Gocara, Kakṣyā, and Longevity estimation. A teacher-student dialogue is also included to reinforce one's understanding of this subject.

This book is written after consulting several classical texts on this subject, including Bṛhatparāśara, Bṛhajjātaka, Sārāvalī, Phaladīpikā, Aṣṭakavarga Mahānibandha, Jātakapārijāta, Jātaka Deśamārga, and Praśnamārga.

This book aims to clarify several doubts, including whether Rāśi or Bhāva should be used for the construction of the Aṣṭakavarga, the Śodhanas etc. This book does an exhaustive treatment of almost all the topics of Aṣṭakavarga.

  • Size:451 pages
價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
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貨品編號: 10902
出版商/廠商: Self-Publish

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