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In Search of Jyotish Series 印度占星術 Jyotish Astrology 吠陀占星術 Vedic Astrology 古印度占星術 Ancient Hindu Astrology

The Vargas: A Journey into the World of Vedic Astrology

作者: Sarajit Poddar
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This volume covers several topics of Vargas or Subdivisions of a Rāśi. This includes delineation of the 16 Vargas of Maharṣi Parāśara, the principles of analysing Vargas, the Varga dignities, the variations of Vargas, such as Parivṛtti Vargas etc., the different kinds of Horās, Navāñśas, Dreṣkāṇas etc. Non Ṣoḍaśavargas such as Pañcāñśa, Kaulukāñśa, Aṣṭāñśa etc. are also included. This also contains the usage of individual Vargas for delineating a Kuṇḍalī.

It contains an examination of whether the Vargas can be used as Kuṇḍalīs and what the Śāstras say about it. Several dictums from the classical texts are given to clarify the views of the classical authors.

There are staunch believers of both schools of thought, those who do not accept the concept of Bhāva and dṛṣṭi in the Vargas, whereas there are those who support the view that Vargas should also be treated as Kuṇḍalīs. I do not wish to force anyone with what I believe; I only wish to present before the seekers what the different classical texts say on this topic to arrive at their conclusions.

  • Size:494 pages
價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
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貨品編號: 10904
出版商/廠商: Self-Publish

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