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Genshin Impact Tarot 原神塔羅牌

78 Arcana Tarot cards featuring characters from Genshin Impact

The whole set of genshin tarot cards uses full-color printing cutting technology, exquisite workmanship, delicate colors, and the black background color will add a little mysterious atmosphere.

We combine the Genshin Impact characters with tarot cards. This set of genshin cards will contain a large number of characters from Mond to Sumeru, even including eleven fatui harbingers. If you are a genshin lover, this Genshin impact cards set will be very worthy of your collection.

If you are a tarot player, this set of genshin tarot cards is also very suitable for you. If you are both, stop hesitating, get your own and surprise your friends when they get together, enjoy it.

In addition, this genshin impact gift card is also an ideal choice as a gift for relatives and friends, gather in a circle and play some exciting divination games.

  • Size:78 cards
價格: $200 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $180 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 11120
出版商/廠商: Self-Publish
產品出版地: 中國

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地址: 香港銅鑼灣渣甸街54-58號富盛商業大廈10樓B室(地鐵站F1出口) (地圖)
營業時間: 14:00 - 20:00 (逢星期二、三休息)
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電話: (852) 25089001    電郵: info@pmtarot.com
Whatsapp: +852 61756157     Signal: +852 61756157    LINE ID: pmtarot