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Pull Your Self Together: A True Story Of Alternate Realities, Spiritual Healing, And Dimensional Wholeness

作者: Rebecca Whitecotton
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 2-4 星期到貨。

Step Into a World of Interdimensional Adventure
Imagine that you could interact with alternate versions of yourself and find out what happened on the road not taken. While on a healing journey to resolve a painful past and rekindle her spiritual connection, Rebecca realizes she can reach into parallel worlds and pull her alternate selves together into a team that experiences every possibility life has to offer.

The first time she sees herself in an alternate reality, Rebecca thinks it is a vision of her future. To get there, her present life would have to shatter. Once Rebecca discovers the truth — that she can connect with another version of herself who made different choices — she is relieved and excited to know that both realities can exist simultaneously.

That first encounter is just the start of her interdimensional healing odyssey. Together with her alternate selves, Rebecca discovers the multidimensional wholeness of the Higher Self, connects more fully with spirit, and creates a new way of looking at life’s choices.

Part memoir and part transformational guide, Pull Your Self Together merges an inspiring, heartfelt story with steps you can take to explore your parallel worlds.

Embark on a journey of spiritual remembering to

- Retrieve the part of your soul that you abandoned because of regret, sadness, or anger about a dream that did not go as planned.
- Forgive yourself for mistakes and discover the blessing from the path you walked.
- Explore alternate timelines and understand how you can work with them to be whole.
- Move forward in life knowing you are supported by your multidimensional self.
- Expand your reality and your vision of who you were born to be.;

In the multiverse theory of quantum physics, each choice you make creates alternate realities. What if the choice to read this book is one of those reality-creating choices? One of your selves will read this and pull all of your other selves together into one, into a new level of dimensional wholeness. Are you going to be the one to pull yourself together

As you read Pull Your Self Together you’ll discover how you can release the pain of the past and live from a multidimensional perspective where every version of you is needed to be whole.

  • Size:334 pages
價格: $220 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $198 HKD
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貨品編號: 11815
出版商/廠商: Capucia Publishing

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