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Thoth Deck 托特塔羅牌

Crowley Small Thoth Tarot Deck & Book Set

Artist(s): Lady Frieda Harris
Author(s): Aleister Crowley
This product is discontinued / out of stock / will not be re-stock, and cannot be order.
Product Descrpition:
Crowley Tarot Deck and Book Gift set offers new ways of working with the classic Thoth deck. Set contains 78-card Crowley Small Thoth Tarot deck (CR80) and Tarot: Mirror of the Soul book (BK129) by Gerd Ziegler. Packaged in plastic bookcase box. Spread sheet not included.

Tarot: Mirror of the Soul provides a new look at the Crowley-Thoth Tarot. This book will explore different ways of working with the well-known Crowley Thoth Tarot and will help you in your work with the cards, sometimes guiding your inner exploration, sometimes pointing the way to handle daily situations or difficult decision-making processes. The tarot cards symbolize an inner reality, for the images of the tarot are mirror images of yourself. Learn how this mirror reflects your growth, and learn how to grow to your maximum with this easy-to-use system.

The 78 cards of the Crowley Thoth Tarot were painted by Lady Frieda Harris according to instructions from the occult scholar, Aleister Crowley. The magnificent art deco work is rich in Egyptian symbolism, alchemy and magic, and contains kabalistic and astrological attributions.

144 pp., b&w illus. pb. (Book not sold separately).

  • Size:2.75" x 4.375"
Price: $ 99999
VIP Member Price: $ 99999
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Product Code: 00335
Publisher(s): U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Country of Origin: USA

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