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Lenormand Deck 雷諾曼牌

Grand Tableau Lenormand
Product Descrpition:
Featuring reproductions of the original Lenormand cards by Marie Lenormand, this lovely little deck helps you improve all of your readings—especially the grand tableau. Uniting an attractive vintage look with decadent illustrations, Grand Tableau Lenormand lets you look at the past, present, and future—leaving no stones unturned. This petite deck makes the often-intimidating grand tableau reading more approachable, and it will be a faithful companion for your practice.

  • Size:36 cards, 54 x 88 mm
Price: $260 HKD
VIP Member Price: $234 HKD
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Product Code: 09511
Publisher(s): Lo Scarabeo
Country of Origin: Italy

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