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Energy Work : The Secrets of Healing and Spiritual Growth
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This step-by-step approach to physical and emotional health shows how to use the body's energy centers to speed healing.

In Energy Work, Robert Bruce offers a, simple, easy-to-learn, approach to self-healing, based on his breakthrough system of Body Awareness Tactile Imaging energy work. Bruce explains how to use tactile imaging, based on one's sense of touch, rather than visualization, to stimulate the flow of vital energy throughout the body. This is a system that anyone can use, regardless of age, health, or previous experience. Readers learn how to awaken the body's energy centers and move healing, vital energy throughout the body.

Energy Work offers exercises to:
--Improve immune system function
--Enhance vitality and self-healing ability
--Increase psychic and spiritual abilities
--Develop stronger and more intimate relationships

Bruce provides easy-to-follow illustrations along with a series of exercises that encourage safe, rapid results. This is a valuable guide for anyone seeking to take charge of his or her health.

  • Size:200 pages
價格: $270 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $243 HKD
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貨品編號: 06620

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