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Candlelight Spells : The Modern Witch's Book of Spellcasting, Feasting, and Natural Healing

作者: Gerina Dunwich
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

An essential resource for the Wiccan lifestyle, Candlelight Spells provides recipes, spells, and guides for herbs and candle crafting, as well as a "Lexicon of Witchcraft." The modern witch will find recipes for the traditional sabbat feasts of the witch's year, including Fertility Bread, Sabbat Cakes, and Samhain Cider. For new moon gatherings, there are recipes for Madrake Wine, Nettle Ale, Acorn Cookies, and more. Practitioners of the Old Religion will also find detailed spells, counterspells, ceremonies, and rituals for maintaining every aspect of your Wiccan integrity. This is an indispensable guide for those truly interested in nurturing the Craft of the Wise.

  • Size:178 pages
價格: $260 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $234 HKD
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貨品編號: 07581
出版商/廠商: Kensington Publishing Corporation

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