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Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards

作者: Doreen Virtue

Now you can give yourself and others accurate, loving, and helpful readings about health and healing. Each oracle card features a gorgeous painting of Archangel Raphael. The enclosed guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct safe and powerful readings about your own health and that of your loved ones and clients. It explains the general meaning of each card and provides specific details that can offer you more clarity and help you tap into your intuition. Whether you’re seeking a healing for yourself, for someone else, or want to awaken your own natural healing abilities, Archangel Raphael brings you miracles and trustworthy guidance . . . and all you need to do is ask! By Doreen Virtue

  • Size:44 cards, 10 x 13.6cm
價格: $ 99999
VIP 會員價格: $ 99999
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 04228
出版商/廠商: Hay House Inc.
產品出版地: 澳洲

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靈擺療法(二版):召喚健康、金錢、親密關係、理想工作 (Pendulum Healing: Circling The Square Of Life To Improve Health, Wealth, Relationships, And Self-Expression)
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