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Instant Tarot : Your Complete Guide to Reading the Cards

作者: Monte Farber, Amy Zerner
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

Read tarot card predictions within minutes with the Instant Tarot! The authors unique Instant Tarot system is devised to enable beginners to read virtually every Tarot deck. The clearly organized Instant Tarot text interprets every card in each of the eleven meaning-specific positions of the celtic cross spread. With detailed instructions, sample questions, helpful diagrams, and a handy index, readers can easily navigate the book. The ingenious layout of Instant Tarot allows individuals to also ask any question using a one-card, three-card or full eleven card "Celtic Cross" spread to get revealing, inspiring answers to your burning questions about love, money, career...everything! It's great for parties, small groups of friends and especially by yourself where, undisturbed, you will often see subtle and formerly hidden meanings emerge from the text. You can set up and do tarot readings right away using the instructions provided. No memorization is required, because each card is interpreted according to the position it appears in the book tells you right where to look. Using tarot cards has helped us to improve our intuitive abilities which, when blended with our logical minds, has enabled us to make better decisions that have guided us to great success, especially our forty plus year loving marriage. The tarot adds spice to your life but you cannot live on spice alone. Your free will to make decisions is your "main course." Instant Tarot has been designed to help you properly access the tarot s ancient truths and put them to immediate use. It is our sincere desire that our book, the first and only one of its kind in the tarot's long history, will help you to better understand your own inner voice and its ability to direct you.

  • Size:272 pages
價格: $250 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $225 HKD
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貨品編號: 06479
出版商/廠商: Weiser Books
產品出版地: 美國

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