



主頁 >> 神秘學書籍 >> 靈擺、占卜及星相  

Back to a Future for Mankind

作者: Ibrahim Karim

[本產品有 1 位會員收藏]

This first-ever published collection of writings by Dr. Ibrahim Karim reflects the holistic essence of his worldview. Dr Karim is the founder of the Science of BioGeometry in the early 1970s. BioGeometry is the science that uses shapes, colors, motion and sound to induce harmony into the subtle energy qualities of the environment. At the core of this harmony is a subtle energy quality found in the transcendental centers of the forming process of nature and is the main quality in sacred power spots of humanity that give a spiritual dimension to the timeless monuments erected since the dawn of humanity. With his experience as an architect and a scientist Dr. Karim has synergized aspects of Pythagorean Harmonics, Subtle energy sciences, Radiesthesia, Geobiology, Building Biology, Sacred Architecture & modern wave theories to produce a new Physics of Quality from which the science of BioGeometry emerged. *BioGeometry bridges science and spirituality to produce a natural harmony into the environment. *BioGeometry provides a viable solution in transforming the quality of the effect that electromagnetic radiation has on living systems. Successful projects in Switzerland in collaboration & acknowledgment of Swiss authorities prove its efficiency to take our modern science into the future. *BioGeometry provides new solutions to Earth Radiation, which is a serious health hazard if not acknowledged in the location and design of our buildings. * A new energy-quality-based analysis of the Great Pyramid in Giza, reveals new knowledge on the foremost of the wonders of the world and on the essence of the great Ancient Egyptian civilization.


  • Size:344 pages
價格: $420 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $378 HKD
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貨品編號: 07381
出版商/廠商: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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