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Kabbalistic Tarot : Hebraic Wisdom in the Major and Minor Arcana

作者: Dovid Krafchow
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An introduction to the ancient kabbalistic origins and meanings of the tarot - Reveals the intimate relationship of the tarot to the esoteric teachings of the Torah and the Kabbalah - Provides kabbalistic interpretations for all 78 traditional tarot cards - Includes a detailed kabbalistic reading and interpretation of the Tree of Life spread When the Greeks invaded Israel and forbade study of the Torah, the Jewish people began a secret method of Toranic study that appeared to be merely a simple way to fill time: playing cards. These first tarot decks enabled study of the Torah without detection. Once the Maccabees expelled the Greeks from Israel and Israel once again became a Jewish kingdom, tarot cards dropped from sight. Fifteen hundred years later, in response to Jewish disputations with Catholic theologians, political and religious persecutions, and ultimately the Inquisition, the cards resurfaced as a secret learning tool of the Torah. In Kabbalistic Tarot, Dovid Krafchow details how the true meaning of the tarot is locked within the Kabbalah. He shows the correspondence between the 22 Major Arcana cards and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and how the four suits correspond to the four kabbalistic worlds of Briah, Yitzerah, Asiyah, and Atzilut. He describes the kabbalistic meanings of each of the 78 cards and their relations to the Torah and provides insight into the Tree of Life spread through several kabbalistic readings.

  • Size:160 pages
價格: $250 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $225 HKD
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貨品編號: 08990
出版商/廠商: Inner Traditions

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