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Wicca Book of Herbal Spells : A Beginner's Book of Shadows for Wiccans, Witches, and Other Practitioners of Herbal Magic
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Do you want to start practicing magic? Not sure where to begin? Want a collection of spells that can transform and enhance your life?

This inspiring collection of spells, rituals, and other workings is devoted to the magical energies of the plant kingdom, and can be used on its own or as a companion to best-selling author Lisa Chamberlain’s beginner’s guide Wicca Herbal Magic. Each spell is relatively simple and suitable for beginners to magic, yet can inspire more seasoned practitioners as well.
A Simple, Straightforward Approach to Herbal Magic

Complex spells with multiple ingredients can be very enjoyable and certainly serve a purpose. However, focusing on one or two ingredients provides an opportunity to get better acquainted with herbs you haven’t worked with before. In that spirit, single herbs are often the focus of these spells, with minimal additional ingredients, in order to help you deepen your own magical relationships with these powerful herbs.

Most of these herbs can actually be found in the spice section of any grocery store, while the rest can easily be found in natural food stores and cooperatives, as well as at metaphysical stores and online.

Work Your Magic for Material, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being

Here are just a few life-enhancing changes you can create in your life using the 52 spells, rituals, magical crafts and recipes in this herb-centered Book of Shadows:

- Create and maintain a positive, magical atmosphere in your home and sacred space
- Heal from grief, homesickness, old relationships and unwanted habits
- Reduce stress and anxiety, resolve sleep issues, and have amazing dreams
- Attract money, love, and good luck into your experience
- Improve divination and psychic awareness
- Manifest courage and self-confidence for any situation

In short, you will many useful gems in Book of Herbal Spells, and will hopefully be inspired to develop your own magical workings, using the gifts granted to us all through the abundant generosity of our beloved Earth.

  • Size:126 pages
價格: $200 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $180 HKD
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貨品編號: 08041

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