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Sacred Mothers and Goddesses: 40 Oracle Cards & Guidebook Set

繪師: Claudia Olivos
Embrace the strength and wisdom of the divine woman for insight, direction, and soul-empowering transformation. This dynamic 40-card deck introduces you to sacred mothers, goddesses, and priestesses. The comprehensive guidebook shares their messages and includes detailed information on how and when to communicate with these profound beings. Become aware of your sacred femininity and attune to higher and deeper vibrations of the goddess through activities, dedications, altar creation, and card layouts.

A former psychologist and art college professor, Claudia Olivos is an inspired artist who has worked with the sacred feminine for many years. Claudia's channeled images hold unique, powerful and personal energy to connect you with a sisterhood of deities for practical, loving, and ageless knowledge. Be blessed by their guidance.

Turn to this oracle for daily guidance, support and a potent reminder of your valuable role in this time, this place, and for eternity.

  • Size:40 cards, 3.75” x 5.5”
價格: $280 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $252 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 07763
出版商/廠商: U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
產品出版地: 美國

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