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Practical Magic: An Oracle for Everyday Enchantment

繪師: Selina Fenech
作者: Serene Conneeley
Energize the purpose, knowledge, and potential within you to empower your heart and transform your tomorrows. This inspired collaboration is a rich compendium of fascination, insight, ritual, symbolism, and divination that you can action in your daily life for surprising and satisfying results. Beautiful artworks specially created to reflect the meaning and alchemy of each card. Step-by-step spellwork, visualizations, associations, and exercises for ushering in a charmed life. A comprehensive magical resource for creating sacred space, understanding moon phases, working with Nature’s cycles, influencing your future, and more. Journey into initiation and possibility, welcome adventure and reward, set nurturing boundaries, and shape your reality with the support of deities, herbs, crystals, color, the elements, and intention. Believe in your innate powers of creation and innovation, and charge your world with wonder—now and always.

Practical Magic Deck and book set includes 36 cards, 304-page guidebook and a stand for displaying cards during meditations or altar work. Packaged in a deluxe wrap-around hardcover box with magnetic close.

  • Size:36 cards, 3.74” x 5.47”
價格: $450 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $405 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 10831
出版商/廠商: U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
產品出版地: 美國

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評語數: 1 外觀: 質量 使用效果
Bard Wu 發 表 於 2023-06-24 13:56

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