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Tarot Rituals : Ceremonies, Ideas & Experiences for the Tarot Lover
Improve your connection to spirit, make special occasions more meaningful, and become a better tarot reader with nearly 100 rituals, spreads, and exercises. Tarot expert Nancy Antenucci presents the fundamentals of ritual practice and then applies them to all 78 cards, showing you how to enjoy a plethora of group and solitary tarot rituals. You'll even learn how to create your own rituals.Discover rituals for the solo reader, such as the Ritual of Expression. Explore group rituals, including the Icebreaker Ritual and the Seer Circle Ritual. This book also features rituals for giving readings, rituals for birthdays and sabbats, and rituals for formal events like blessings and weddings. Drawing on 30 years of experience, Nancy presents the alchemy of ritual and tarot a powerful combination that can transform your practice and life.
  • Size:213 pages
價格: $240 HKD
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貨品編號: 00501

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