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Earth Alchemy Oracle

作者: Katie-Jane Wright
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

A beautifully illustrated card deck helping to bring a deep connection to the magic beneath your feet, to the crystals, plants, trees and flowers and the sacred language of light. All of the elements of alchemy needed to awaken the heart further to the truth around us.

This powerful and beautiful deck is a portal to inner healing, love and connection. The cards are full of activations, holding the keys to help you dive deeper to past lives, previous alchemic work, connection to the elementals and inner earth.
• There are three suits, with 15 cards in each suit.
• Each suit corresponds to a discovery and point of expansion in the card reading, guiding the reader to different elements of connection to the world around them
• Plants represent Growth; Flowers: Discovery; Crystals: Depth
Accompanying the card deck is a booklet, outlining how to perform the card reading, and how to store the cards, along with an explanation of each suit and card within the suit. There are guided readings within the booklet, but also the invitation to let your intuition guide you. Some of the plants and crystals may be new, others familiar – you can connect through the energies of the illustration and the lyrical writing.

Each card is infused with many layers, each has its own perfect valid place within the deck. Some of the cards will have structured ideas for ways to work with them, that the crystal or plant has communicated to Katie-Jane. Sometimes simply the colours will speak to you: the key is to let your heart guide you and be free with it, releasing all expectations.

  • Size:50 cards, 3.82" x 5.32"
價格: $280 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $252 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 01338
出版商/廠商: Watkins Publishing

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