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The Star of Chaos - The Divine Fire Wheel
commonly refereed to as the "Chaos Star," originated in Europe.
This runic style is known as an "Insigil" in the Northern Tradition.

A Magical Rune is laid out around a circle increasing its Magical Power eightfold,
radiating its Magical Power far and wide. This Rune is the "Teiwaz" rune,
sacred to the god Tyr, Regent of Mars. In legend Tyr bound the "Fenris wolf"
when it threatened the Cosmic Order, but had to sacrifice his right hand in the process
of saving the other Gods.

Therefore in the world of men, this symbol has become known to
symbolize "Order over Chaos," as well as Justice, and the Sacrifice for the
greater good. It is the battle rune including heroism and victory in it's meaning.
It may seem a paradox that a symbol of order should come to be known as
the 'Chaos Star', but the Cosmogenic force of Teiwaz is one that polarizes,
creating Duality from Unity. Order and Chaos cannot exist without each
other's complimentary qualities, and ultimately, everything is "ordered
chaos." This has been found in science in the seemingly random movement of
molecules, sound, quasars, etc. The ultimate discovery in modern physics of
the chaos theory is that everything is in motion according to a mathematical order.

By placing this rune in a multiple eight-fold vibrational circle, the
rune's Magical Forces are enhanced by a "Harmonic Resonance." Eight is the
number of "Complete Manifestation," the "Perfection of Symmetry," and the
eight-fold division of the Heavens.

The fiery qualities of the Tyr Rune are also associated with masculine sexuality.

The Chaos Star brings the wearer the qualities of the Warrior: Power,
Success, and a sense of Justice. Also the Spiritual Freedom to let go of the
need to control yet have the Wisdom to assert Order when needed.


護身符加強及淨化套裝 - I
護身符加強及淨化套裝 - II

  • Size:3.2 cm
價格: $380 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $342 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 02821

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