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Llewellyn's Complete Book Series

Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive & Cross-Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans

作者: Sandra Kynes
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences is a clear, straightforward companion for Pagan and Wiccan ritual and spellwork. Entries are cross-referenced, indexed, and organized by categories and subcategories, making it easy to find what you need.

This comprehensive reference provides a fascinating look at why correspondences are more than just lists of objects to focus intent on—they are fundamental to how we think. When we use correspondences, we weave together our ideas, beliefs, and energy, creating deeper meaning in our rituals and spellwork as we unite our individuality with a larger purpose.

The use of correspondences embodies both physical and symbolic energy and provides the means for uniting the seen and unseen worlds. Packed with content yet easy to use, Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences covers traditional corre-spondences and also provides instruction for forging new ones that hold special meaning for you.

Plants • Minerals • Animals • Deities • Zodiac • Moon Phases • Days and Times Ogham • Runes • Tarot • Elements • Numbers • Chakras • Colors • And More
  • Size:552 pages
價格: $420 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $378 HKD
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貨品編號: 04632
出版商/廠商: Llewellyn Publications
產品出版地: 美國

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