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The Good Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook

作者: Colette Baron-Reid
When Colette Baron-Reid first began doing professional readings almost 30 years ago, she used the traditional tarot as a source of intuitive guidance. Now she has taken the classical form and given it a modern twist, with suits and meanings that are focused on transformation and personal growth.

Grounded in a divination system that dates back centuries, The Good Tarot has a psychic architecture that’s more simple and modern, rooted in contemporary positive psychology and aimed at the expression of the highest good for all. The 78 cards in the deck are read as archetypal aspects of the human experience that we may encounter within ourselves, with others, or in the world. The suits in The Good Tarotare the four elements, with Air standing in for the traditional Swords, Water replacing Cups, Earth for Pentacles, and for Wands, Fire. A crucial difference from traditional decks is that the cards’ messages are all written as positive affirmations in the present tense, rather than forecasts, instructions, or warnings. Those who use the cards in the suggested way can integrate their energy immediately and personally.

Even so, traditional tarot enthusiasts can still apply their favorite spreads to this deck as its formation doesn’t stray too far from what is already familiar, and the breathtaking original artwork will be sure to inspire.

“Everyone wants guidance during times of uncertainty, a light shining in the dark,” Colette writes. “The Good Tarotis especially helpful when you feel lost, want confirmation about a direction you’re heading in, are concerned about the results of choices you’ve made, or seek greater understanding of your circumstances. It’s about recognizing the many forms of truth and seeing the light that accompanies the shadow so you can help the light increase its brilliance.”

  • Size:78 cards, 10 x 13.4cm
價格: $300 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $270 HKD
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貨品編號: 06290
出版商/廠商: Lifestyles

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