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The Druid Animal Oracle Deck

繪師: Will Worthington
作者: Philip Carr-Gomm, Stephanie Carr-Gomm
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

The Druids revered animals as sacred guides, guardians, and protectors. This beautifully illustrated deck and accompanying booklet draws from the wellspring of ancient Celtic tradition, bringing healing and offering intuitive knowledge. From the interpretations of the card spreads and the lore given, one will gain powerful insights and receive positive guidance for the future. The cards have been drawn using the principles of sacred geometry, a science of great importance to the megalith-building, pre-Celtic Druids, who employed it extensively in the building of stone circles. Each image incorporates the same use of a pentagram, circle and square. The border of the animal cards conveys a message in Ogham--the tree language of the Druids. The animals are presented in a sequence starting with the Blackbird, who stands at the Gateway, the Place of Beginnings, calling us to adventure and change. Journeying to the four other Oldest Animals of Stag, Owl, Eagle, and Salmon, we come to know animals that lead us deeper into the Otherworld, through a cycle of personal change that leads to turning to the outer world again, the empowerment of the four dragons and the concluding card of the Seal--the card of love and the necessity for choice in a world that is both joyous and challenging. The text presents a summary of the Druid, Celtic and native teachings, concerning twenty-nine animals and four dragons. In addition, there are three blank cards that can be used to draw animals that are personal to the reader. Use the cards as totems or turn to the oracle system provided by the authors. In either case, these Druid animals can provide positive guidance and insights into the inner dynamics behind events in our lives

  • Size:33 cards, 4.25" x 6.25"
價格: $280 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $252 HKD
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貨品編號: 06717
出版商/廠商: Red Wheel/Weiser

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