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Dark Angels Runes Oracle Cards
“Dark Angels Runes” – it is the unique deck with a lot of magic meanings and details, which are reveal all sense and give the answer to your question. “Dark Angels Runes” – it is a runic oracle. In this oracle include very strong energies. This cards will be the main of your friends and your help, but they will be never your servants. The runic oracle “Dark Angels Runes” requires very thoughtful information flow, which it gives you. The main task of the runic oracle – to direct you to self-development and to improve your skill in using your lifestyle in work with the deck.

When you will work with the runic oracle “Dark Angels Runes”, you will face by face with energy fields, which prevail in the time flow of information. Your future is not foregone. You can change your way by yourself. In this case, you need to change your perception of the situation. The runic oracle as the main instrument with the relationship between you and energetic fields will help you to find the answer and to make a decision in the different situation.

The runic oracle “Dark Angels Runes” consists 25 cards with plastic matt covering and guidebook with the description of cards.

PRODUCTION: Production of "Tarocco Studio"
AUTHOR: Tarocco Studio
COMPOSITION: 25 cards + guidebook
COVER: Plastic flosted
  • Size:25 cards, 80 x 120mm
價格: $480 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $432 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 08053
出版商/廠商: Tarocco Studio
產品出版地: 俄羅斯

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