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The Egyptian Healing Pendulum

本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-6 星期到貨。

18K 金包黃銅有現貨

Energy: The energy quality is Gray meaning that it pulsates White light. The flickering effect created by the rapid reflection and non-reflection of light can end old patterns while also stimulating healing and renewal.

Specialized uses: Distance healing, healing serious illness, & Pendulum Magick.

Description: The Egyptian is a very strong pendulum. If you are doing distance healing and/or healing serious health issues this pendulum is perfect.

Its long shape is good for sending signals long distance, while it pointed shape sends the energy in a very focused manner towards your intended recipient.

It is also good for Pendulum Magick since any spells will be sent powerfully to their destination with focused precision.

Length: 62mm

Rhodium and Gold are both amazing materials for healing pendulums. They are more refined than brass and have a better energy.

Handling and Care
Precious Plated Metal is a durable material, but can still scratch or wear through. Prolonged surface wear can rub off the finish. To prevent damage, I recommend storing your pendulum in a soft cloth pouch away from other products, and avoiding exposure to household chemicals and cleaning products.

Made with Rhodium plated Brass / 18K Gold plated Brass and designed by Erich Hunter Ph.D.

  • Size:6.2cm high
  • 顏色:Rhodium plated Brass、18K Gold plated Brass
價格: $1900 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $1805 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 08844

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