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The Book of Spells : Magick for Young Witches
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Complete with over 50 spells and information on the magickal tools and traditions of witchcraft, The Book of Spells is the ultimate guide to healing, manifesting your desires, and diving confidently into the mysteries of magick. Calling upon ancient powers and the ways of the Witch, The Book of Spells contains rituals and visualizations for releasing negativity, increasing bliss, healing a broken heart, finding your Spirit guides, embarking on the adventure of astral flight, and more. With the help of timeless myths and fables, as well as author Jamie Della's personal anecdotes, each spell offers empowering insight to help you uncover your innate Divine essence. This beautifully gilded compendium includes need-to-know information on Sabbats and ancient traditions, Gods and Goddesses, and tools of the Craft such as herbs, crystals, tarot archetypes, moon phases, and runes. The Book of Spells is the perfect beginner's guide to following the Path, practicing the Craft, and incorporating magick into your daily life.
  • Size:224 pages
價格: $220 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $198 HKD
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貨品編號: 09727

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