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Clarity Tarot

繪師: Kait Matthews
作者: Debra Zachau
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-6 星期到貨。

Now the secrets of the Tarot are brought to light so that anyone can clearly hear the powerful messages that will resonate with one’s soul through the Clarity Tarot. We all have unique challenges in this 21st century, and, with this deck, you have a way to navigate those complexities for yourself as well as for friends and family. Each of the 78 cards has correspondences for “yes” and “no” as well as keywords for Love and Money, some of the most-asked questions in cartomancy. You’ll not only know what the cards are trying to tell you, but how to say it in a way that is completely unbiased, centered, and supportive for oneself or for someone who may be needing direction. You can also learn mediumship using this deck, if desired, in order to communicate with those beyond the veil. It’s a deck that celebrates all cultures with its rich images, to reflect the diverse world we live in today.

  • Size:78 cards, 8.6 x 13.3cm
價格: $400 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $360 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 10338
出版商/廠商: Red Feather Publishing

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