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Oak Wicca Wand
This wand is made from one piece of oak, making it nice and sturdy for years of spellcasting, in addition it is covered with mordant to give coloring and linseed oil for protection from moisture it is also varnished.

Oak wands are traditionally used for protection, strength, success and stability.

Strong Masculine energy. Oak is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 10 June to 7 July. The Druids associated the oak with the Wren. Closely aligned with the elements Earth, Water, and Spirit . The Oak is considered to be the most powerful and the most sacred to the Druids. Wizards consider this the most amplified wood to use to in spells that work with time and counter spells. Sacred to the Irish God Dagda.

Magical Properties: Truth, steadfast knowledge, protection. Oak wands bring vitality and long life. To the ancient Celtic people, oak was the protector, provider, benevolent king of the trees. Utilized as a healing wood, and very will grounded considering its strong connection to the earth. This wood helps center the mind, allowing it to focus on the task at hand and ignore distractions. Oak help promote both observation and intuition. Oak magic inspires bravery, presence, leadership skills, prosperity, and strength.
  • Size:36cm
價格: $950 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $855 HKD
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貨品編號: 10558

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