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Earth Angels Message Cards

繪師: Amanda Clark
作者: Amanda Clark
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

The Earth Angels Message Cards assist you to reconnect to the natural world and the realms of the Elementals that guard the woodlands, rivers and mystical places. The cards will help and guide you to your true knowing, and step-by-step, they will reveal ancient soul knowledge to you, taking you on a journey of inner discovery and wonder. Each card has a positive affirmation guiding you towards the highest good, helping you to find answers to difficult situations or to lighten your thoughts and feelings. Take time to meditate with the card or cards you have picked for deeper insights. Keep the images in mind, and remember to use the affirmations throughout your day. The illustrations will bypass the logical mind and reveal deeper knowledge, and let your heart open to creativity and love at a deeper spiritual level. The artist and author, Amanda Clark, lives in England and her work is inspired by the wildness or the woodlands and old world fairy tales. These classical fairy tales hold inner knowledge for the reader, at any age, and Amanda’s illustrations have a mystical and spiritual feel to them that strengthens their inner meanings to the viewer.

  • Size:70 cards, 70 x 105mm
價格: $280 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $252 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

貨品編號: 10655
出版商/廠商: Animal Dreaming Publishing

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