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History of Witchcraft and Magic in Europe Series

Early Modern European Witchcraft: Centres and Peripheries

作者: Bengt Ankarloo, Gustav Henningsen
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The history of witchcraft and sorcery has attracted a great deal of interest and debate, but until now studies have been largely from the Anglo-Saxon perspective. This book shows how that approach has blurred our understanding and definition of the issues involved, and sheds new light on the history of witchcraft in England. What had thus far been seen as peculiar to England is here shown to be characteristic of much of northern Europe. Taking into account major new developments in the historiography of witchcraft--in methodology, and in the chronological and geographical scope of the studies--the authors explore the relationship between witchcraft, law, and theology; the origins and nature of the witch's sabbath; the sociology and criminology of witch-hunting; and the comparative approach to European witchcraft. An impressive amount of archival work by all of the contributors has produced an indispensable guide to the study of witchcraft, of interest not only to historians,
but to anthropologists, criminologists, psychologists, and sociologists.

  • Size:496 pages
價格: $980 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $882 HKD
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貨品編號: 10907
出版商/廠商: Clarendon Press

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